14 - 06 - 2024
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ineo alienvibes ep02 01tineo alienvibes ep02 02t
The box of the EP02 has two product pictures at the front and rear showcasing the two main colors available.



ineo alienvibes ep02 03t

A few words about the company along with the features list are placed on the right side.



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On the left side we see the contents of the bundle along with the specifications and available colors of the EP02.



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The headset is placed inside the storage/carrying case while the rest of the bundle sits inside a small cardboard box.



ineo alienvibes ep02 06t

I was surprised to see such a rich bundle from alienvibes so aside the EP02 headphones you will also receive a storage/carrying case, airplane adapter, 3.5mm to 6.3mm gold plated adapter, two AAA batteries, 3.5mm cable, 3.5mm cable with in-line microphone, cleaning cloth and the user’s manual.