14 - 06 - 2024
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ineo alienvibes ep02 07t

The exterior of the EP02 is made primarily by glossy plastic (fingerprint magnet i like to call it) and they weight a total of 295g.



ineo alienvibes ep02 08t

To get a better idea on how large/small the EP02 headphone set is we placed it next to the somewhat compact Jabra REVO wireless.



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The AlienVibes logo is placed on the exterior of both earcups however on the right side we also see the power on/off switch. The logo on the left side is also the mute sound button.



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Moving to the left earcup we see that behind the logo is the battery compartment (unfortunately the EP02 is not re-chargeable) and on the base lays the 3.5mm cable port.



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The earpads are quite large and are covered by leatherette.



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L/R markings are printed on the interior above both earcups.



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alienvibes has placed the infinity symbol on each side of the headband (don't really know why).



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The headband is extendable on both sides by a total of 6cm (3 on each) but there are no visible increment markings.



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The headpad is also covered by leatherette and is quite soft.



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Typically the company name is placed ontop of the headband.



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The in-line noise-cancelling microphone is very conveniently placed and also features a large push to talk button.



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All of the 3.5mm connectors are gold plated just like the 6.3mm and airplane adapters.



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Thanks to the foldable design the EP02 can fit nicely in the storage/carrying case.



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Aside having the company logo printed at the top the storage/carrying case also has an large carabiner clip.