14 - 06 - 2024
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blackvue dr650gw 2ch 01t

Pittasoft chose to ship the DR650GW-2CH inside a white box that has a product picture at the front (mounted) and the main features listed right beneath it.



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The serial number and barcode of the product along with the capacity of the included microSD card (ours had a 16GB card but for our tests we used a 64GB Samsung Pro card) are printed on the left side.



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Contact information about Pittasoft is available on the right side of the box.



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The BlackVue name is printed on a secondary cover placed under the top cover.



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Both cameras are securely placed inside a piece of black foam while the rest of the bundle sits right beneath them.



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Inside the box you will find the front and rear cameras, coaxial cable (used to connect both cameras), car lighter power cable, user's manual, easy wi-fi manual, microSD USB card reader, 16GB microSD card, 8 cable clips and 2 pieces of adhesive tape.