01 - 06 - 2024
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Prior to using the DR650GW-2CH i suggest visiting the official Pittasoft support page to download both the latest product firmware and the latest playback software.




The strong point of the BlackVue HD viewer is not that it allows you to playback recordings made by the DR650GW-2CH but that it also provides extra information like recorded G's and map coordinates (you can also format the microSD card from the upper right corner - cards over 32GB in capacity need to be formatted using this and not the SD format tool).




You can also follow the exact route you took by opening the side map as seen above.




What i like most about this program is that it also allows the end user to setup the settings of the camera (settings are saved onto the card so you can have different cards with different settings) so from the first page you can switch between available resolutions for both cameras and enable/disable recording types.



The second page allows you to adjust sensor sensitivity (this is used to automatically switch between recording types).




You can enable/disable Wi-Fi connectivity, turn on/off the activity LEDs and adjust the voice guidance feature from the 3rd page.




The CLOUD feature can be configured from the 4th page as seen above.