01 - 06 - 2024
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sjcam sjdash 7tThe 70g heavy ABS/Aluminum body of the SJDASH Car Dashboard Video Camera measures 84.5mm in length, 52mm in height and 14mm in thickness/width (31.5mm with the lens).



The camera microphone is placed at the front right beneath the SJCAM logo.



SJCAM decided to go with wide angle lens for the SJDASH model (although we've seen even wider).



The microSD card slot is placed on the right side of the camera while on the left we find the power on/off button (the micro USB power port is placed at the top).



Unfortunately only the 4 dots placed beneath the 3 inch LCD screen are touch operated (i was hoping that the LCD was).



To have a better idea about the size of the SJDASH we placed it right next to the SJ6 Legend again by SJCAM and the V8S by EKEN (two models we're currently testing as well).