01 - 06 - 2024
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sjcam sjdashb   The SJDASH arrived at the same time as the SJ6 Legend but since we decided on testing it first this is our very first “experience” with a product made by SJCAM. Unfortunately after almost two weeks of testing the SJDASH left us with a rather “neutral” impression. First of all consumers should have the ability to choose between 1080p@30fps and 720p@60fps since the Exmor CMOS sensor fully supports it. Granted most people will still go for 1080p but I know some people who’d choose 720p solely because of its higher fps. Also being able to adjust the bitrate would be very useful to people who may want the best possible image/video quality. Again SJCAM may have chosen this path to reduce potential overheating issues (like some other dash cameras) but if there’s no such issue we believe people should be able to maximize image quality. And then we have the lack of a built-in GPS receiver a feature which we feel every dash camera in the market should have (we are talking about something designed for cars after all). The good news is that the 3 inch LCD screen looks great, its menu is quite thorough, the Android / iOS App works well and the touch controls are also quite sensitive and easy to use (still we’d like a touch screen instead of 4 small touch buttons).

  Pricing is where the SJDASH wins many points since currently you can find it for just USD79.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 64Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk). At the end of the day since there are numerous dash camera models at around the same price point the SJDASH may not really stand out but still we do feel that people on a tight budget should give it a shot.



- Build Quality (ABS / Aluminum Enclosure)
- 3 inch LCD Screen
- Touch Controls
- Built In Gravity & Motion Sensors
- LCD Menu In 22 Languages
- Price (For Some)


- Up to 1080p30 Only
- No Image / Video Quality Settings
- No GPS Included