14 - 06 - 2024
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The M6 Pro features a black and silver glossy exterior that measures roughly 345mm in diameter and 94mm in height.



As you can see the M6 Pro is almost identical in size with the M7 Pro model (review here).



This time over the LDS sensor is located on the far rear of the vacuum.



The two main buttons at the top (under the same rubber cover) can be used to turn on/off the device, start/pause cleaning, send back to base for recharging and to reset the network configuration.



As mentioned earlier the M6 Pro is surrounded by sensors (all infra-red sensors need to be kept clean for optimal performance).



The air exhaust is located at the rear along with two pieces of metal (charging contacts).



Taking a look at the base of the M6 Pro we see the main rolling brush, two rubber wheels, 4 anti-fall (cliff) sensors, center wheel and the water tank holes.



Proscenic has used a very soft main brush with rubber for its main body.



As you can all see the dust bin on the M6 Pro is located beneath the top cover (just like for example the S6) right next to a cleaning and cutting tool.



The dual bin however is far more interesting since it's divided into two compartments, an 300ml one for dust and an 180ml one for water.



Of course, to use it you also need to attach the mop adapter as seen above.



With both of these attached you can now start mopping.



The bundled charging station is significantly larger (154x98x75mm) compared to the one of the M7 Pro and features two charging contacts at the front.



The remote control bunded with the M6 Pro is actually of higher quality compared of that of the M7 Pro (it's also more compact and has an LCD screen at the top).