01 - 06 - 2024
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proscenic m6 pro review b

   The M6 Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner by Proscenic is yet another high-performance and quality product which produced very good results during my tests. Yes some WiFi connectivity problems still persist with the Proscenic Home App (when the vacuum doesn't respond go back to the main menu of the app and press on the vacuum again, that should resolve any timeouts) and battery life could be slightly better (even though just over an hour at full speed should be more than enough for most small/mid-sized homes, just remember, the vacuum starts heading back to recharge at 7-9% battery) but those two things aside there's nothing else that really stands out as a "drawback" with the M6 Pro. Compared to the M7 Pro and its dual side brushes the single side brush of the M6 Pro may not "catch" the same amount of dirt but thanks to its LDS navigation there's hardly any spot left that it doesn’t clean (and this is the fastest robot vacuum I’ve tested to date, so fast that it almost jumps over small obstacles). The electronically controlled water tank is also a great addition since it allows for much more water volume to be dispensed/delivered (at least compared to every other model I’ve tested to date) thus producing optimal cleaning results. Also, you may have noticed that in today’s charts I’ve included the Liectroux ZK901 model which I didn’t post a full review of. The reason for that is that the sample arrived with the top cover cracked (and due to COVID 19 the manufacturer was unable to send a replacement), still since that didn’t affect its use/performance in any way (aesthetic issue), I decided to test it and include the results.

   Proscenic currently has the M6 Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner available for a price tag of USD420/388Euros (Proscenic.com) which you can further reduce by using our 10% off coupon (NTM6PRO) at checkout (USD378/349.72Euros). With all results in mind and also because it uses a large dust bin/water tank (electronically adjusted) which allows it to efficiently clean and mop at the same time the M6 Pro is clearly a very good Robot Vacuum Cleaner and that’s why it gets our Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Size / Height
- Suction Power (2600pa)
- Dual Type Bin (Dust / Water Tank)
- Electronically Controlled Water Tank
- LDS Laser Navigation (Mapping Accuracy)
- Number of Sensors (15 In Total)
- Bundled Remote Control (AAA Batteries Included)
- Proscenic App


- Standard Charging Base Size
- Battery Life (Could Be Better)
- Android App (WiFi Connectivity Bugs)