01 - 06 - 2024
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The body of the Mirage 5 measures 145mm in height and 100mm in diameter.



As already pointed out the mirror plate at the top is one of the strongest selling points of the Mirage 5.



The Mirage 5 heatsink consists by a total of 45 visible black coated aluminum fins (don't know if these extend into the top shroud/cover).



A small heatsink is also located on the base of the cooler.



The five 6mm thick all-copper heatpipes are black coated as well.



By using an heatpipe direct touch base (or HCTT as Aerocool calls it) the Mirage 5 should be able to transfer heat faster to its fins.



The optical illusion made by the RGB LEDs and the mirror plate certainly steals the show.