01 - 06 - 2024
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aerocool mirage 5 review b

   The moment you see the Aerocool Mirage 5 from up close you just know this isn’t like any other CPU cooler you’ve ever seen and/or used (and the good news is that even if you don’t own an RGB compatible motherboard the RGB LEDs still light up). Still since looks are clearly the strongest selling point of the Mirage 5 cooling efficiency comes second and as you can tell from the charts things are nowhere near as impressive. At least until you check noise levels that is and see that the 60mm fan of the Mirage 5 is actually quite silent (not inaudible, just silent). The only concern i have with the fan is what happens when it fails and obviously you will have to replace the entire cooler when that time comes. Overall if you take into account shape, heatsink and fan sizes the Mirage 5 actually does quite well compared to its competition.

   With a current price tag set at around USD55 inside the USA and 39.90Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) the Mirage 5 CPU ARGB CPU Air Cooler by AeroCool is priced very well, especially over here. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 availability is far from great so you may not be able to find one where you’re located. At the end of the day cooling efficiency may not be top notch but from looks and installation ease to zero clearance issues and a rather tempting price tag the AeroCool Mirage 5 has everything else going for it which is why it gets the Golden Award.


- Good Overall Performance
- Build Quality
- ARGB Lighting / Mirror Plate
- Black Matte Paint
- Easy Installation
- Zero Clearance Design
- Noise Levels
- Price (For Some)


- Overall Availability
- Fan Endurance?