13 - 06 - 2024
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true spirit 120 direct 7t

The 360g heavy heatsink used with the True Spirit 120 Direct is 120mm long, 41.96mm wide and 141.35mm tall.


Thermalright has cut their logo on all available aluminum fins as seen above.


This heatsink features a total of 42 aluminum fins not bend on their sides.


Typically Thermalright has placed their genuine product seal ontop of the base.


A total of 4 nickel plated 6mm copper heatpipes start from the H.D.T base and pass through all 42 aluminum fins.



The H.D.T base has quite a few visible machine marks but then again so do all we've seen to date.



The 120mm PWM fan is the TY-1218 model and can reach speeds of up to 1300RPM (+-15%) to produce airflow levels of up to 46.19CFM with up to 25.4dBA of noise.



With the fan mounted the True Spirit 120 Direct now measures a total of 67mm in width.