01 - 06 - 2024
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true spirit 120 directb

   When we received the True Spirit 120 Direct CPU Cooler and compared it to the True Spirit 140 Direct it became clear that Thermalright just wanted to release a shorter model for use in compact PC cases for which the 2nd might just be too tall for. With that in mind performance obviously comes second and so the True Spirit 140 Direct surpassed the 120 model by almost 3 full degrees Celsius. Now the good news is that we were expecting an even larger difference and since noise levels are almost identical between both models (again we were expecting a larger difference) performance-wise the True Spirit 120 Direct did quite well.

   Unfortunately as I type these lines the TRUE Spirit 120 Direct may not be available in the USA but it’s widely available in the EU with a price tag of 33.99Euros (PC-Cooling.de). This puts the TRUE Spirit 120 Direct roughly 6Euros beneath the 140 model so if your PC case has sufficient space for the latter we really see no reason to pick the former. Overall the TRUE Spirit 120 Direct may not offer the best cooling efficiency around but thanks to its height, zero clearance issues and low noise levels it’s worth checking out if you own a compact PC case.


- Good Build Quality
- Good Cooling Performance
- Size (No Clearance Issues)
- Low Noise Levels
- Price (For Some)


- Current Availability (USA)