13 - 06 - 2024
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thermaltake core p 90 tg 1t

Once again Thermaltake has used a plain cardboard box that has a large product picture at the front right beneath their logo.



The specifications table is printed on the left side whereas on the right side of the box we find the main product features listed in 12 languages.



Moving at the rear we find an "exposed" drawing of the Core P90.



All of the parts are wrapped inside plastic bags and placed either between foam spacers or inside secondary cardboard boxes.



Along with the main triangular body of the Core P90 you are also getting two 5mm thick tempered glass panels, two long (and very sturdy) plastic feet, 8 chrome bars (for the acrylic panel), 4 round rubber feet (for horizontal placement), two tall plastic feet (for vertical placement), two 2.5/3.5" drive trays (4 thumbscrews each), three 2.5" drive trays (single thumbscrew each), front and rear PSU mounting brackets, PCI-E riser cable, two PCI-E riser cable mounts (2 thumbscrews each), 9 cable ties, 8 rubber spacers, motherboard speaker, PCI expansion slots, PCI expansion slot tray (for horizontal placement), 4 bags filled with screws and standoffs, warranty information paper and installation instructions.