13 - 06 - 2024
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thermaltake core p 90 tgb

   The one thing I never quite liked about open air pc cases and open air test benches was the amount of dust which accumulates on every single component over time. Granted you can always use a blower to remove that said dust from your system but the entire procedure takes time and let's be honest, not many people would end up doing that as often as they should. That being said however there's no denying that some open air PC cases look rather impressive and there's no doubt that the Core P90 Tempered Glass Edition is among them (by the way build quality is also excellent). In terms of available space things are also very good since you can equip the Core P90 with up to 7 drives (3x2.5" and 4x2.5"/3.5"), four 120mm (or 3x140mm) fans and/or a single 240/280/360/420/480mm radiator, 180mm tall CPU coolers, 320mm long graphics cards and 220mm long power supply units. The included vertical bracket is not something new since we’ve seen it numerous times in the past but not many cases actually come with a riser cable in the bundle so that’s also a plus.

   The Core P90 TG Edition Mid-Tower by Thermaltake has been around for a while now so currently it carries a rather attractive price tag of USD159.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 160.76Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de). So if looks is your primary concern or if you just don’t have enough space on your desk or the floor of your room and a wall-mountable PC case is your only choice you really should consider the Core P90 by Thermaltake and since it delivers on space, features and looks it certainly deserves our Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Design (Tempered Glass Panels / Chrome Bars)
- Wall Mount, Vertical & Horizontal Placement
- Open Air Chassis
- Supports 240/280/360/420/480mm Radiator
- Room for Up To 7 Drives
- Space For 180mm Tall CPU Coolers, 320mm Long Graphics Cards & 220mm PSU’s
- Included Riser Cable
- Current Price


- Open Air Chassis (Dust Magnet)
- Wall Mount Brackets Not Included (Sold Separately)