13 - 06 - 2024
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As always, the purpose of this section is not to build a functional system but rather to showcase what you can expect from the case at hand in terms of interior space.

As with many recent towers to install the PSU you need to remove the rear bracket, mount it on the PSU and then slide it into the tower.



You can slide the bundled drive cage into one of the mounting areas from the rear as seen above (secured by 3 thumbscrews).



The top detachable radiator/fan mount certainly simplifies installation.



Mounting a full sized ATX motherboard is enough for anyone to see just how much space the Silent Base 802 has.



If you have tall RAM modules like the ones used here using a very thick (60mm) radiator at the top will not be easy (low-profile fans needed) but if not it's what i'd recommend doing.



The main issue with the front radiator area is that unless you have but a single 3.5" drive you will need to install the drive cage seen above and that reduces available space to roughly 27mm (above i mounted an 280mm radiator at the front).



Goes without saying but with room for up to 185mm tall CPU coolers you should be able to use any model.



Mounting even 432mm long graphics cards is not an issue unless you decide to purchase drive cages and use them for all 5 spots.