13 - 06 - 2024
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silent base 802 review b

   The brand new Silent Base 802 clearly sits between the Silent Base 801 and the Dark Base Pro 900 Rev.2 models in terms of not only size but features as well so it’s an all-around balanced mid-tower. Of course, since the version I looked at today lacks the TG side panel and is thus aimed towards silent usage/running it’s mostly aimed towards professionals and enthusiasts rather than gamers so looks once again come 2nd to noise (for this model at least). Interior space is one of the strongest selling points of the Silent Base 802 since inside you can fit up to 15 drives, eight 120/140mm fans and/or three 240/280/360/420mm radiators, 185mm tall CPU air coolers, 432mm long graphics cards and 288mm long power supply units. Just like with the Dark Base Pro 900 Rev.2 (luckily mounting the PSU is nothing like the 900) the two 3.5”/2.5” drive cages may not be sufficient for many people (for example i have at least four internal 3.5” drives in each test rig) but luckily you can get more (extra cost). As for the interchangeable front and top parts well, the good news is that they improve airflow levels considerably without much increase in terms of noise.

   The Silent Base 802 was launched officially just minutes ago for with a manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) of USD159.90/159/90Euros. Overall, there’s nothing bad i could find and/or say about the Silent Base 802. Yes, i would like more drive cages bundled than just two but for the majority of consumers out there that would mean increasing cost without actually using them so that’s fine by me and so since it’s one of the largest, highest quality and feature-rich towers in the market currently of course it’s getting the Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Modular Design (Inverted Mainboard Installation)
- Noise Dampening Coating (Left/Right/Top/Front)
- Can Hold Up To 15 Drives & Up To 9 Fans And/Or 3 Radiators (Top & Front 240/280/360/420mm)
- Space For 185mm Tall CPU Coolers, 288mm Long PSUs and 432mm Long Graphics Cards
- Interchangeable Top & Front (Silent/Airflow)
- Detachable Top Radiator/Fan Mount
- 4 Speed Fan Controller
- Available In 2 Versions & 2 Colors


- Current Availability
- Lacks RGB Lighting/Illumination