01 - 06 - 2024
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sharkoon elite shark ca700 review 1t

The ELITE SHARK CA700 is packed in a very large box that has the product name and company logo at the front and rear.



On the right side we find a product picture right between the company logo and the product name and its serial number and barcode.



A second box is placed inside for extra protection during transport.



Several pieces of black foam are placed around the various pieces.



The top and front white covers are placed in a black piece of foam located inside the case.



So, inside the box you'll find the CA700 frame, 2 white covers, left side panel, right side tempered glass panel, 2 PCI expansion frames, 2 GPU mounting brackets (dual/triple slot cards), PCIe riser cable, 2 fan y-splitters, 6 cable straps, Allen key, 3 bags of screws, congratulations paper and the user manual.