13 - 06 - 2024
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Even though the CA700 is a mid-tower due to its large frame it weighs just over 17Kg and measures no less than 670mm in height, 632mm in length and 250mm in width.



The entire right side is covered by a tempered glass side panel (not mounted by default).



On the lower front you can also see the tilt screw with the 4 available spots.



Two of the five 120mm SHARK ARGB fans are located at the front (since the CA700 is an open air/frame model it obviously comes with no air-filters).



At the front top we find the I/O which includes the on/off, rest and ARGB mode buttons, two USB 3.2 type-A ports, USB 3.2 Gen 2 type-C port and the usual headphone and microphone jacks.



Three more 120mm SHARK ARGB fans are located at the top of the CA700.