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easysmx esm 9110 review a

   Three beat-'em-up video games dominated the arcade and console markets back when i was growing up in the late 80's, Double Dragon, Street Fighter and Golden Axe. Sure, several other titles like Kung-Fu Master, Final Fight, Conan and Dragon Ninja were also quite popular back then but nowhere near as popular as those two, at least not over here. Then came the 90's and with them perhaps the most successful/popular beat-'em-up game series to date, Mortal Kombat. Well, it's been at least 4 years since i last played a Mortal Kombat game but due to the new movie which was just released (the original movie is still my favourite) i decided to check the latest Mortal Kombat XL and 11 Ultimate PC games and with them both several keyboards and controllers including the ESM-9110 by EasySMX.

   EasySMX was founded with a rebellious spirit and a simple mission: to offer gamers quality products at an affordable price. Every idea starts with a problem. Back in college, one of our co-founders, Stephen, lost his precious headsets during a moving and had to endure poorer ones for a whole semester, a profoundly sad thing for a rabid LOL gamer. Unfortunately, replacing gaming setup comes with a high price. And he was stunned at how difficult it is to find a pair of headsets that fit your head perfectly and yet didn’t leave your wallets bare.

   Currently the ESM-9110 2.4G Wireless Controller by EasySMX is available in black (67-020B) and colorful (VG-C065) versions both of which are obviously largely based on the original DualShock controller bundled with the very first SONY PlayStation game console (also similar to the XBOX 360 controller). Just like most similar models the ESM-9110 features two analog sticks, single four-way digital cross (directional pad or d-pad for short), 4 fire/action buttons (Y/X/B/A), 2 shoulder (bumper) buttons, 2 trigger buttons and 2 dual underside buttons. What makes the ESM-9110 somewhat unique (at least for its price point) are its adjustable LED lights (4 levels/5 including off), built-in vibration motors (offer 5 different levels of intensity) and internal 600mAh lithium-polymer rechargeable battery pack which can power the device for over 8 hours. Typically thanks to its bundled 2.4GHz receiver (10 meter range) the ESM-9110 is compatible not only with Windows but also with the PlayStation 3, Nintendo Switch and Android devices.

















easysmx esm 9110 review 1t

The ESM-9110 is packed inside a small box that has a product picture at the front right next to the company logo and the main product features.



The color selection is actually available at the base of the box (would be nicer if the front picture was based on the included model however).



Some of the features are also listed at the rear of the box in front of yet another product picture and over contact information for EasySMX.



Along with the ESM-9110 Wireless Controller and its 2.4GHz receiver dongle inside the box you'll also find a USB-C to USB-A charging cable, user manual and a 10$ voucher for your next order.



THE ESM-9110






Measuring 162mm in length, 114mm in width and 72mm in height the 340g heavy ESM-9110 is a mid-sized controller.



One of the analog sticks (textured exterior ring allows for more accurate movement) and the D-pad are located on the left side of the controller right next to a back and turbo (quick auto fire) buttons.



At the center of the controller we find the LED brightness and vibration levels buttons and the home/on button.



Over on the right side we see a mode and start buttons, the second analog stick and the Y/X/B/A buttons.



At the front of the ESM-9110 controller we find the USB-C charging port surrounded by the 2 bumper and 2 trigger buttons.



Four more buttons (or more accurately 2 dual buttons) are located on the underside of the ESM-9110 right next to textured surfaces for optimal grip.



Just in case you're wondering the LED illumination looks nice (and not just at night).









easysmx esm 9110 review b

   Even though i was never much into gamepads i did end up playing both Mortal Kombat XL and 11 with the ESM-9110 and even though i didn't spend nearly enough time to complete these games i was very satisfied with its overall performance. Now for some strange reason the vibration motor didn't work with either of these two games (i was able to choose intensity level but it didn't work in game) but everything else worked flawlessly. In terms of size the ESM-9110 is just right for my hands, both analog sticks are very accurate, the plethora of buttons make it easier to assign every move in the game (and then some – the underside buttons may be hard to use for people with small hands however) and the LED lighting looks very nice. When it comes to battery life i wasn't able to get anywhere close to the over 8 hours of gaming advertised by EasySMX (perhaps that number is with the LEDs turned off) but i did record just over 6 which is not bad at all for a rechargeable controller (requires just under 3 hours for a full recharge).

   So, the EasySMX ESM-9110 Wireless Controller delivers but just how much will getting it set you back? Well currently you can get the black version for USD33.99/27.87Euros and the colorful version for USD35.49/29.10Euros directly from the official EasySMX product page (plus a 10% off using the code EASY0SMX). Long story short if you’re out in the market for an affordable wireless gamepad then you should really give the ESM-9110 a chance since it delivered as advertised and thus got the Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Size / Grip
- 2.4Ghz Wireless (10 Meter Range)
- Asymmetric Vibration Motor (5 Levels)
- Accurate Analog Sticks
- Available Buttons
- LED Illumination (5 Levels)
- Turbo Button (Quick Repeat)
- Rechargeable Battery (Up to Over 8 Hours)
- Available in Black & Colorful Models
- Price (For Some)


- PC, PS3 & Android Compatible Only
- Not Ideal for Small Hands