01 - 06 - 2024
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THE ESM-9110






Measuring 162mm in length, 114mm in width and 72mm in height the 340g heavy ESM-9110 is a mid-sized controller.



One of the analog sticks (textured exterior ring allows for more accurate movement) and the D-pad are located on the left side of the controller right next to a back and turbo (quick auto fire) buttons.



At the center of the controller we find the LED brightness and vibration levels buttons and the home/on button.



Over on the right side we see a mode and start buttons, the second analog stick and the Y/X/B/A buttons.



At the front of the ESM-9110 controller we find the USB-C charging port surrounded by the 2 bumper and 2 trigger buttons.



Four more buttons (or more accurately 2 dual buttons) are located on the underside of the ESM-9110 right next to textured surfaces for optimal grip.



Just in case you're wondering the LED illumination looks nice (and not just at night).