01 - 06 - 2024
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THE ESM-9013






We received the black and blue version of the ESM-9013 which features textured rubber handgrips on both ends right next to the blue lines.



The directional pad and one of the analog sticks are placed on the left side.



On the right side we find the second analog stick and the Y/X/B/A buttons.



The round button at the top can be used to activate the gamepad while the turbo button is the quick auto fire button (you will need to press the button you want to use prior to pressing the turbo button).



As always the shoulder and trigger buttons are located at the front of the gamepad (in the middle you can see the battery compartment release button).



easysmx esm 9013 13tThe battery compartment is located on the base of the gamepad.



Much like other nano receivers the one bundled with the ESM-9013 is tiny.



I never was into consoles but the ESM-9013 does look nice.



Remember that for Windows XP systems you will need to download the XBOX360 driver as seen above.