13 - 06 - 2024
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easysmx esm 9013b

   Since we're not really into game consoles we tested two ESM-9013 gamepads with two of our test rigs for a period of two weeks with mostly positive results (games we used the ESM-9013 with were WWE19, NBA19, FIFA19 and NBA 2k Playgrounds 2). Build quality is quite good (better than expected for the price as you will see later on), range is indeed valid up to 10 meters (the signal is still strong even with a concrete wall in between) and as for battery life well we weren't able to hit 20 hours of continuous use but we did surpass 18 which is not a bad number either. Unfortunately rather than using a rechargeable battery pack like some of their other models EasySMX chose to power the ESM-9013 with two AA batteries and although according to them they can provide it with enough juice to keep going for a total of 20 hours (the rechargeable models feature less than half that) it still feels off for an 2018 model (getting a charger with 4 rechargeable AA batteries is probably the best way to go about).

   When we said that build quality is a lot better than expected for the price we weren't exaggerating since currently the ESM-9013 gamepad by EasySMX retails for just USD26.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 22.8Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk). True you can’t expect XBOX360 controller quality for that amount but after two weeks of using the ESM-9013 gamepads they still feel new and don’t seem to have any visible quality issues. That being said there are many higher quality models in the market that also cost a lot more but if you’re on a tight budget and not willing to spend much on a wireless gamepad the ESM-9013 by EasySMX is certainly worth your attention.



- Overall Quality 
- Wireless (10 Meter Range)
- Turbo Button (Quick Repeat)
- Asymmetric Vibration Motor
- Battery Life (Up To 20 Hours)
- Price (For Some)


- AA Battery Powered (Not Rechargeable)
- PC, PS3 & Android Compatible Only