13 - 06 - 2024
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xpg precog review 1t

XPG isn't using a box to ship the Precog in, instead they place a piece of cardboard with a product picture at the front and the main product features right over the storage/carrying case.



The bundle contents and a quick presentation of XPG's EPIC FPS game are located on both sides.



Several pictures printed at the rear are used to showcase the main product features.



The somewhat large carrying/storage case is made out of a hard foam material.



As expected, the entire bundle is placed inside the carrying/storage case.



Along with the Precog and their detachable microphone XPG also packs the USB-C in-line sound card/controller, USB to USB-C cable, 3.5mm to 3.5mm cable, 3.5mm y-cable, several case stickers, warranty guide paper and the quick start guide.