01 - 06 - 2024
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The Precog is made out of aluminum, plastic and leatherette and weighs 362g.



In terms of size we're clearly talking about a medium-sized gaming headset.



XPG has placed their logo on the exterior of both earcups right in front of the red LEDs (left and right markings are located just over both earcups on the interior).



On the base of the left earcup we find the microphone, 3.5mm and USB-C ports.



The detachable microphone bundled with the Precog is quite flexible (not quite as flexible as some others we've seen to date) and features a windscreen.



By using large earpads padded with memory foam the Precog should be quite comfortable as well.



Unlike every other gaming headset, I’ve tested/used to date the earcups of the Precog can swivel/rotate for a full 180 degrees (instead of just 90).



The headpad is also padded with memory foam and also features red stitching which adds to the overall looks of the headset.



Typically, the company logo is engraved on the exterior of the headband.



From the in-line audio controller (sound card) you can adjust the volume (knob), mute the microphone (by pressing the knob), switch between FPS/7.1/Music modes and enable/disable the red LEDs on the exterior of the earcups.



I think it's worth pointing out that all connectors/plugs of the bundled cables (even the microphone) are gold plated.



RGB might have been a better approach for the exterior LEDs but red is fine by me.



As with every other USB headset to date my first move was to check and see if there was any firmware update available (and update it since there was).




XPG may not have a control software available for the Precog but they do offer a fast passed FPS called EPIC which you can download from their website (don't expect much however).