13 - 06 - 2024
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xanova juturna u 1t

The box inside which Xanova ships the JUTURNA-U has a product picture at the front and both the XANOVA and GALAX logos.



Both sides of the box have the features list printed in a total of 8 languages.



At the rear of the box we see the product specifications, features and the contents of the bundle.



Once you remove the exterior cover you will see the company name on the box.



The headset is safely placed inside a formed piece of plastic.



Along with the JUTURNA-U headset inside the box you will find a storage/carrying cloth pouch, the USB soundcard with a 1.5 meter long cable, boom microphone with a 1.3 meter long cable, 1.3 meter long 3.5mm cable and the user manual.