01 - 06 - 2024
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xanova juturna u b

   We ended up using the JUTURNA-U 7.1 Virtual Surround Sound Headset for a total of 11 days with titles like Metro Exodus, Far Cry New Dawn, Dirt Rally 2.0 and Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (yes, no multiplayer titles this time over) and we have to admit that we were pleasantly surprised. Sure, the JUTURNA-U may not sport the highest possible build quality and the lack of any form of lighting does stand out for a headset manufactured last year but audio quality is very good with accurate and detailed mids and highs while in terms of bass the three available presets do help quite a bit (still bass is not as rich as we’d like it to be). Positioning audio thanks to the 7.1 virtual surround USB card is also very good and the FPS button does help (alas not by much) when you want to hear footsteps getting closer to you or where bullets are coming from. Xanova claims that the microphone they used is professional grade and although it works well and we had no complaints when using Viber and Skype still we don’t think it’s something special. One more thing we didn’t like much was the lack of volume control buttons or a knob since that means you need to control the volume from either within the game or Windows. True this isn’t a game breaker especially since most modern keyboards come with volume control keys on them but still it would be a nice feature to have.

   The most serious drawback of the JUTURNA-U 7.1 Virtual Surround Sound Headset is its availability which is limited at best. We were lucky enough to find it in the USA for a price tag of USD104.58 (Amazon.com) and for 86Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk) but although we feel that this isn’t really much for what you’re getting still we think it could get even lower when availability becomes better. At the end of the day we were satisfied with the JUTURNA-U by Xanova. Sure, it’s still a bit rough around the edges (lack of volume controls) but for a first try basically it’s a lot better than what we had hoped and for that it gets our Golden Award.


- Very Comfortable (Large Earpads / Memory Foam Padding)
- Good Mids & Highs
- FPS Button & Bass Boost Switches
- Detachable Microphone (Easier to Replace)
- Xanova Control Panel (Easy to Use)
- USB & 3.5mm Compatible


- Current Availability
- Lack of Physical Volume Controls