13 - 06 - 2024
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The HERA software by GAMDIAS can be downloaded from their support section as seen above.



This is a unified driver/control software so once you launch it you will see a screen which has other GAMDIAS peripherals listed as well.



From within the HERA software you can program each and every single one of the keyboards keys, create macros, adjust the backlight key illumination (3 different ways and a total of 13 effects), assign sounds and/or a timer to any of the keys (custom sounds are also supported), create your own sounds (or edit the existing ones), setup the timer and finally you can check the firmware and product versions installed.



gamdias hermes p1 rgb 2t
In the above two pictures we have placed the minimum and maximum brightness levels of the keys.



We've also placed some of the available colors one can set the Hermes P1 RGB with.