13 - 06 - 2024
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gamdias hermes p1 rgbb

   We haven’t had a keyboard from GAMDIAS for almost 2 years now so having the chance to test many of their latest gaming peripherals was a nice “surprise” for all of us. Now about the Hermes P1 RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboards it has some things we liked and some we didn’t like as much. For once build quality is quite good, it may not compare to what we’ve seen from the top lines by Corsair but it’s quite good and the top anodized aluminum plate adds to that. Moving to the TTC blue switches we can’t comment on their endurance/durability but they are the closest ones we’ve ever used to mimic the sound of a typewriter and thus you will either like them or hate them, I don’t think there’s a middle ground. Personally although their impressive audible feedback helps type faster compared to other keyboards the sound is way too much for my ears and on top of that I wouldn’t recommend it if you don’t want to annoy people sitting close while you write. The RGB illumination is also very good and the same applies for the brightness levels of the keyboard. The HERA software may not be the easiest to use ever but it’s very detailed and has more available settings than most. Our main issue however was with the detachable wrist rest since it’s quality is not that good and ontop of that it doesn’t mount well on the keyboard so if you even move the keyboard a bit chances are it will come/fall out. I don’t know why GAMDIAS chose to use that wrist rest type but my hope is they will not in future models.

   Currently the Hermes P1 RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard by GAMDIAS retails for USD99.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 100Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk) a price tag that places it next to several similar models. Long story short if you’re out in the market for a good quality RGB gaming keyboard the keys of which actually sound like those of a typewriter then you should really consider the Hermes P1 RGB by GAMDIAS.



- Good Build Quality
- TTC Blue Mechanical Switches (50 Million Actuations)
- Full RGB Key Illumination (13 Effects)
- 6 Available Profiles
- HERA Software (Available Settings)


- Detachable Wrist Rest