14 - 06 - 2024
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asustor as7004t 21t

Accessing the interior is not hard, just remove the three screws at the rear and pull the cover backwards.



asustor as7004t 22t

The AS7004T uses an 250W PSU by Delta Electronics (although even with 4 drives installed the unit never went over 100W it's good to have more just in case).



asustor as7004t 23tasustor as7004t 24t
Dismantling the rest of the unit wasn't very hard but it would take time (something we don't really have especially at this time of the year) and we really found no reason for it since we already know what we would find (still the very large heatsink placed over the Haswell modules was a good surprise).



asustor as7004t 25t

Once again we used our Constellation ES.3 4TB drives to test the device.