13 - 06 - 2024
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As you can all see via HDMI you can access the ADM OS, Chrome, YouTube, Surveillance Center and XBMC (at least in our configuration).




XBMC version 13.2 adds support for 4k media playback but is identical to the previous one (GUI-wise at least).




You can personalize the XBMC application quite a bit (for example change the skin of the menus and set the region/language/audio language options).



You can also check the various hardware/software information screens and of course adjust video and audio settings.



Our Blu-Ray MKV rip of Avatar S.E (42GB) was once again used to test the playback capabilities of the NAS at hand and i have to point out that the AS7004T offered perhaps the most smooth playback of that movie to date (however not that easy to notice).