13 - 06 - 2024
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qnap ts 453s pro 08t

Although it's smaller compared to 3.5" compatible models the TS-453S Pro still follows the typical design by QNAP. To be more specific size-wise the TS-453S Pro measures 216mm in length, 102mm in width and 150mm in height and weighs just 1.74Kg.



qnap ts 453s pro 09tqnap ts 453s pro 10t
A small section on the left side of the chassis is perforated allowing hot air to exit (on the right we find the myQNAPCloud activation sticker).



qnap ts 453s pro 11tqnap ts 453s pro 12tqnap ts 453s pro 13t
The fascia is pretty much the same here as well so here we see the activity LEDs, one touch copy button, USB 3.0 port and the on/off power button.



qnap ts 453s pro 14tqnap ts 453s pro 15t
All of the drive trays open with push mechanisms placed at their base (silver/gold ones).



qnap ts 453s pro 16t

The drive trays are made out of aluminum and are actually larger than a 2.5" drive.



qnap ts 453s pro 17tqnap ts 453s pro 18t
Moving at the rear of the TS-453S Pro we see a 70mm exhaust fan, HDMI Port, two GbE ports, two USB 3.0 ports and a Kensington lock.



qnap ts 453s pro 19t

Removing the top cover is not hard (digging further inside however takes time and since it has no real purpose we skipped that part).



qnap ts 453s pro 20t

Our sample arrived with two ADATA 2GB 1600MHz DDR3L modules.



qnap ts 453s pro 21t

The Fintek F71869AD module monitors the hardware used in the NAS.



qnap ts 453s pro 22t

A medium sized heatsink is placed over the CeleronJ1900 CPU.