01 - 06 - 2024
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Connecting the TS-453S Pro with your TV via HDMI is a lot more interesting that past TurboNAS models since the initial screen has been redesigned and has many more apps available for you to choose from (actually the new QTS is responsible for that). Now as many of you know KODI is the new XBMC version (we still named the files after XBMC however) so from now on we will be using that to test the multimedia abilities of NAS servers (although the design is still pretty much the same at default).



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As with the previous XBMC version you have the ability to personalize the KODI application quite a bit (for example change the skin of the menus and set the region/language/audio language options).



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Important information like the hardware components of the unit is once again accessible through KODI much like the several video and audio settings.



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Our Blu-Ray MKV rip of Avatar S.E (42GB) was once again used to test the playback capabilities of the NAS at hand and i have to admit that the TS-453S Pro offered one of the smoothest playbacks of this file we've ever seen (we didn't encounter even a single freeze/lag).