14 - 06 - 2024
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asustor as3102t 01t

Just like in the past the latest ASUSTOR NAS arrived inside a white box that has a medium-sized picture of the product at the front right next to its main specifications and features.



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Some of the available apps are showcased on the right side of the box.



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On the opposite side we find some of the things people may use the AS3102T for.



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The package contents and the NAS serial number and barcode are all placed at the top of the box.



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At the rear ASUSTOR has printed the features of the AS3102T in 19 languages.



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Again just like with previous NAS models by ASUSTOR the first thing you will see once you open the box is a thank you message in many languages and 5 2D barcodes pointing the their website and social media.



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Typically the NAS is placed inside a plastic bag and between two foam spacers while the rest of the bundle sits inside a small cardboard box.



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Contained in the box is the AS3102T with its power adapter and cord, RJ-45 Ethernet cable, bag of thumbscrews and the quick install guide.