13 - 06 - 2024
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ASUSTOR has again updated its list of android and iOS compatible applications the most important of which is the AiMaster App which you can use to access most functions and features of the NAS.



The AiData App allows the user to access files stored in the NAS while the AiRemote transforms your android device into a remote control (for use with KODI and other HDMI based apps).



Via the AiSecure App you can watch all connected IP cameras while through the SoundGood App you can listen to music stored in the NAS.



AiFoto can be used for picture sharing and AiCast is pretty much a direct remote control for KODI (
with the AiCast app you can add sources and browse media files even while KODI is already playing and it also allows you to load new media with a touch of your finger even if you're not at home).