01 - 06 - 2024
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   As already mentioned the performance of Powerline adapters is directly linked to the quality of the buildings electrical grid/wiring so the output speeds from such devices will most probably vary between new and old buildings. Still testing Powerline adapters inside the same building should point out the best one and so we used the well-known Passmark Performance Test to measure the data transfer rate in wired, wireless and Powerline modes with a distance of 15 meters between our Netgear DGN3500 modem/route and the primary and secondary systems (30m in total between both systems). The network data transfer test was set to duration of 40 seconds and was repeated a total of 5 times after which we recorded the average numbers into our charts.





As expected there's simply no comparison between a direct wired Ethernet link and the wireless/Powerline methods since even with two long 15m cables connecting both systems to our modem/router the achieved average data transfer speed almost reached the 700Mbit/s mark. Still the Powerline adapters clearly outperform the wireless-N connection by 15%.