01 - 06 - 2024
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   If you require the best possible data transfer speeds and there's any way at all for you to install/route Ethernet cables from your modem/router all the way to your computer(s) then there's really no need to bother with Powerline adapters and wireless solutions. However if you can't or if it's hard and you just don't need the best possible performance then the new ICY BOX PL-550D 500Mbit/s Powerline adapters by RaidSonic with their small size and power outlet could just be what you're looking for. 15% improvement compared to a Wi-Fi connection may not seem impressive but you also need to take into account the disconnection issue with Wi-Fi connections something you will not encounter if you use a Powerline adapter.


   The ICY BOX IB-PL550D 500Mbit/s Powerline adapter set currently retails at around 100Euros inside the EU a price tag that lands it right in the middle of similar 500Mbit/s Powerline kits. However the IB-PL550D Powerline adapter has something most similar adapters don't and that's a small size and a power outlet which means you will not lose a wall socket while using them. So if you really can't use normal Ethernet cables for a direct wired connection then your next best choice is to use a Powerline adapter kit and so the RaidSonic ICY BOX IB-PL550D 500Mbit/s kit should be ontop of your to buy list and that's why it gets our Golden Award.




- Build Quality
- Size
- 500Mbit/s
- Power Outlet
- Lock Button
- AES 128Bit Encryption 




- Price (For Some)