13 - 06 - 2024
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trendnet tpl 402e2k 001t

The medium sized box has a product image at the front, the TRENDnet and 500Mbps logos and the product number.



trendnet tpl 402e2k 002t

At the right side we see the main features of the TPL-402E adapters.



trendnet tpl 402e2k 003t

The specifications table is placed at the bottom of the box.



trendnet tpl 402e2k 004t

Several pictures along with a topology diagram and a few words about the product in 7 languages are placed at the rear.



trendnet tpl 402e2k 005t

Part of the box is formed into two spaces inside which we see the two Powerline adapters. The rest of the bundle is placed right beneath them.



trendnet tpl 402e2k 006t

Inside aside from the Powerline adapters you will also find two 1.5m Ethernet cables, software CD and a quick installation guide.