13 - 06 - 2024
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trendnet tpl 402e2k 007t

Depending on which continent you live the TPL-402E Powerline adapter is sized differently (because of the bonus outlet size) so in our case (EU) it measures 122mm in height, 78mm in width and 55mm in length while weighing a total of 184g.



trendnet tpl 402e2k 008t

The TPL-402E features the standard safety outlet.



trendnet tpl 402e2k 009t

There are three activity LEDs beneath the outlet (power, Powerline connection and quality, gigabit Ethernet connection).



trendnet tpl 402e2k 010t

At the bottom of the adapter we find the Gigabit Ethernet port, the sync button (used if the adapters are plugged into the power grid but not paired) and the reset switch.



trendnet tpl 402e2k 011t

A large sticker placed at the rear of the adapter includes information such as the installed firmware version, product barcode, serial number, MAC address, product number and several certification logos.