13 - 06 - 2024
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apx bx1400u gr legrand keor sp review 1t

APC ships the BX1400U-GR inside a white and green box that has a product picture at the front right over the main product features and beneath the company logo (both UPS were tested prior to getting here so their boxes are not in the best shape).



The technical specifications of the BX1400U-GR in 6 languages can be seen on both sides of the box.



Another product picture is located at the rear of the box and is used to showcase its main features (yes this box arrived quite damaged, good thing the UPS inside didn't have a scratch on it).



Along with the APC BX1400U-GR you'll also get a warranty information paper and a safety and general information paper.



The 12Kg heavy model by APC measures 336mm in length, 215mm in height and 130mm in width.



To have a better understanding about its size i placed it next to one of the UPS models i use in the office, the CP1500EPFCLCD by Cyberpower.



At the front we see the 2 activity LEDs and the on/off power button.



The enclosure is partially perforated on both sides.



Moving at the rear we find the 4 schuko plugs, circuit breaker, RJ11 connectors, USB host port, power cord and the battery connector.



By default, this connector is raised but since this unit was tested prior to getting here it was lowered.