01 - 06 - 2024
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A partial product picture along with the available models, company logo and a few pictures showcasing where you could use the Keor SP are all the things you'll see at the front of the box.



The technical specifications are printed on both side in 4 languages.



All available product versions along with the included selection can be seen at the rear of the box.



The Keor SP is bundled with a power cord (detachable, unlike the one of the BX1400U-GR), USB cable, warranty information paper, electrical warning paper and the user manual.



At 380mm in length, 173mm in height and 148mm in width the enclosure of the Keor SP is slightly longer yet shorter compared to that of the APC BX1400U-GR.



To see exactly what i mean i placed both the APC BX1400U-GR and the Cyberpower CP1500EPFCLCD next to the Legrand Keor SP.



Taking a look at the fascia we find the on/off power button, alarm silence button and an activity LED bar.



Turning the unit around we find an 60mm exhaust fan, 2 schuko plugs, 2 IEC plugs, 1A USB-A port, USB host port and the power port with the replaceable fuse compartment.