02 - 06 - 2024
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roccat isku 006t

Although quite larger (yet thinner) than most keyboards out there (509mm width, 247mm depth) the design of the Isku is really something.



roccat isku 007t

The ROCCAT logo is engraved onto the quite large armrest.



roccat isku 008t

The three programmable Thumbster keys placed right above the ROCCAT logo and beneath the space bar can be used for pretty much anything you can think of.



roccat isku 009t

Moving at the left top of the Isku we find the 5 different (P1-P5) profile selection LEDs and a large record button which can be used to assist with the recording of macro commands.



roccat isku 010t

A total of 5 more programmable buttons are present at the far left of the Isku.



roccat isku 011t

At the top center of the keyboard we see a set of multimedia keys (mute, volume up/down, backwards/forwards, web browser and windows explorer launch).



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You can control the illumination level of the Isku keys via this button placed on the top right.



roccat isku 013t

Further on the right we see the ROCCAT Talk logo and the usual Num/scroll/caps lock LEDs.



roccat isku 014t

Worth mentioning is that the Isku features one of the largest armrests i have ever seen and although that also means you need more room on your desk still i think that's a very good feature.



roccat isku 015t

Six rubber feet, two height adjusters and several cable channels are present at the bottom of the Isku.



roccat isku 016t

Because the Isku is a relatively short keyboard the height adjusters feel somewhat short, still i found no issue with them during testing.



roccat isku 017t

A gold plated USB connector may not actually improve anything in terms of performance but it's always nice to see, unfortunately ROCCAT doesn't feel the same.



roccat isku 018t
roccat isku 019t

The Isku features a total of 5 different illumination levels which are not that far apart (you can see the lowest and highest setting above).