02 - 06 - 2024
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roccat iskub

   Unlike all the latest mechanical keyboards to hit the market the Isku actually features the all-time classic membrane keys which is actually not a bad thing if you are used to typing with a normal keyboard. Of course a mechanical keyboard is not that hard to get used to but it does take some time and some people may not go along with that. In any case during the two weeks i was using the Isku i really liked the feeling when pressing the keys, almost as much as i did when using the MEKA G-UNIT. Certainly the lifespan of the Iskus membrane keys is nowhere near the one of the MEKA G-UNIT and its Cherry Black MX keys but i guess we can't have it all in life and the Isku does offer some unique features that the G-UNIT does not. The somewhat unique design of the Isku is also something i happen to like while the large armrest is certainly great and not something we see a lot with similar keyboards. Finally although some people consider the Talk feature as one of the strong points of the Isku i didn't really find much use for it when combined with the Kone[+] (although quite unique as a feature) but others certainly do so that probably comes down to personal preference.


   Price is always one of the most decisive factors when choosing a product and this is an area where the Isku is not doing very well, not when there are some mechanical keyboards available at around the same price range. More specifically the ROCCAT Isku currently retails for around USD90 inside the USA and 74Euros inside the EU (Amazon) and although that's not what I’d call expensive people who prefer durability over features may opt for a mechanical keyboard instead. Overall the ROCCAT Isku is a very good keyboard with good build quality, great design and plenty of features and that's why it's on the receiving end of our golden award.




- Build Quality
- Design
- Illuminated Keys
- Large Armrest
- Control Panel




- Membrane Keys (Not Mechanical)
- Plain USB Connector
- Price (For Some)