VicoVation obviously decided to design the MF3 after a normal compact digital camera (the Leica M8 to be precise).
The MF3 may not be the smallest car dash camera in the market today (the aluminum body measures 97mm in length, 57mm in height and 35mm in thickness) but as you can see from the above comparison it's not what we'd call large either (unlike the Papago model).
A small driver (speaker) is placed right next to the lens.
The F/1.8 lens feature 6G glass for superior image clarity and have a diagonal viewing angle of 150 degrees.
A full sized HDMI output is located on the right side of the enclosure.
The micro SD card port is placed on the left side (beware that SanDisk cards are not supported 100%).
The micro USB power port is placed right over the front speaker while on the opposite side we have the mini USB port used by the optional GPS mouse.
Moving at the rear we see the 3 inch TFT LCD screen with its 5 navigation buttons.
If you want to have access to some extra features like speed, FCWS (forward collision warning system) and LDWS (lane departure warning system) you will need to purchase the optional GPS mouse as seen above.
Another optional accessory is the Vico Power-PLUS battery discharge prevention device which provides power to the camera (it's also compatible with all camera models) without draining your cars battery out (this is not a battery). Although this is not extremely hard to install we do recommend using the services of a qualified car technician/electrician.