22 - 09 - 2024
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silverstone icemyst 360 review b

    The component chart (which I will be posting each time an AIO has such a cooling feature - will be recording temperatures from all AIO that arrive in the lab however in order to showcase differences) clearly shows that the three IMF70-ARGB fans mounted on the IceMyst 360 do a very good job cooling everything around it, from the VRMs to the RAM. On top of that they look great (not as good as an LCD screen perhaps, but great nonetheless) and so it’s really strange to me the how the entire IceMyst line of AIO liquid coolers flew under the radar and thus never got the recognition it deserves. Yes, in terms of CPU cooling the IceMyst 360 may not offer the best efficiency out there (still comes very close to the best) and the IMF70-ARGB fans are sure to increase total cost but since you can use it to cool everything around the CPU socket, I’m sure many people will appreciate that. Noise levels are slightly elevated under load (not due to the IMF70-ARGB fans however) but nowhere close to the numbers of some other AIOs.

    With a price tag currently set at USD136.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 135.36Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) the IceMyst 360 is priced well. Needless to say, for three IMF7-ARGB fans as I used in this review, you’ll be required to spend USD48/44Euros extra and even though that ups the cost to just over USD180/180Euros I believe it’s totally worth it. Overall, the IceMyst 360 delivers on everything it should in regards to cooling efficiency (and then some by using the IMF70-ARGB fans) and since it’s not only innovative but also looks great it certainly deserves the Golden Award.


- Build Quality

- Very Good Cooling Efficiency
- Stackable IMF70 ARGB Fans (Component Cooling)
- Modular Fans
- Bundled ARGB Controller

- Up to Six 120mm Fans in Push & Pull
- ARGB Lighting (Compatible With All Motherboard Sync Technologies)


- Total Cost (For Some)