12 - 06 - 2024
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fsp aurum pt 1200w 01t

The box is painted black and silver (from the Platinum certification no doubt) and at the front it has part of the Aurum PT as background along with the FSP and warranty logos, main features list, Intel Haswell support logo and the power output.



fsp aurum pt 1200w 02t

A line at the bottom of the box (printed in 25 languages) directs you to the official FSP website for more information regarding the Aurum PT line.



fsp aurum pt 1200w 03t

At the rear of the box we find the electrical table, two charts pointing to efficiency and noise, all of the available connectors and a complete listing of the product features and specifications.



fsp aurum pt 1200w 04t

The PSU is sandwiched between two foam spacers while the modular cables and placed in a cloth pouch.



fsp aurum pt 1200w 05t

Inside the box you will find the Aurum PT 1200W body, modular cables, AC power cable, carrying/storage pouch, 5 cable ties, 4 mounting thumb screws and the user manual.