01 - 06 - 2024
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silverstone st1500 gs 01t

The main product features are listed at the front of the box right beneath a large product picture and the company logo.



silverstone st1500 gs 02tsilverstone st1500 gs 03t
All of the modular connectors are showcased at the bottom of the box while at the top we see the specifications table.



silverstone st1500 gs 04t

At the rear we find several graphs and drawings which point to both the features and size of the unit.



silverstone st1500 gs 05t

The PSU is placed inside two pieces of black foam and the bundle is placed inside a cardboard box.



silverstone st1500 gs 06t

As you can see SilverStone has packed quite a few things with the ST1500-GS so aside the PSU and its power cord you're also getting the modular cables, 4 cable ties, 4 Velcro straps, fan air-filter, two small bags with screws (4 regular and 4 thumbscrews) and two manuals (one in English and one in 11 other languages).