14 - 06 - 2024
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silverstone st1500 gs 07t

Flat cables is not something we haven't seen in the past but i consider them to be quite important since they are not only easier to route beneath the mainboard tray but they also allow for better airflow levels inside the case (most of the time anyways).



silverstone st1500 gs 08t

Measuring 150mm in width, 180mm in length and 86mm in height the scratch-proof housing of the ST1500-GS makes it one of the smallest 1500W PSUs in the market today (if not the smallest).



silverstone st1500 gs 09t

The 135mm fan is big but judging by the opening of the housing SilverStone could had used a slightly larger one.



silverstone st1500 gs 10t

SilverStone placed the electrical table on a sticker found on the left side.



silverstone st1500 gs 11t

The company logo is engraved at the base of the unit.



silverstone st1500 gs 12t

The 11 modular connectors are not only different in design and tagged they are also color coded and protected with plastic covers.



silverstone st1500 gs 13t

Unfortunately at the rear there's no on/off switch so we only see the honeycomb perforation and the power port.