14 - 06 - 2024
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toughpower dps g 1050 01t

As expected the front of the box has a picture of the product right beneath the company logo and above the main product features.



toughpower dps g 1050 02t

All of the available connectors are listed at the right along with the electrical specifications table and 6 small pictures showcasing its features.



toughpower dps g 1050 03t

The features list is also printed at the bottom of the box in 12 different languages.



toughpower dps g 1050 04t

The PSU is wrapped in a piece of cloth and placed between two black foam spacers while the modular cables are placed inside a storage pouch.



toughpower dps g 1050 05t

With the ToughPower DPS G 1050W PSU you will also receive the power cord, modular cables (and the pouch), anti-vibration rubber mounts, 4 cable ties, 4 mounting screws, USB cable, Molex to floppy power header, user's manual and a warranty paper.