13 - 06 - 2024
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toughpower dps g 1050b

   With the latest ToughPower DPS G line it’s clear that Thermaltake is willing to take on the immediate competition and the result is a very good PSU with a monitoring program which at least for us is the most user friendly in the market currently. Sure it could be even easier since to access/expand some parameters you need to click on specific icons but its layout and color set it apart from others. As for the unit itself well CWT is not just a random OEM supplier in the market since other leading manufacturers like Corsair are also using products made by them. Because of that the DPS G 1050W model offers very good rail efficiency and a peak output that almost goes all the way up to 1300W (1260W to be exact). The only thing we think Thermaltake could had done better was use a better fan although not going over 43dBA on auto is not really what I’d call bad (still we’ve seen better).

     Features that you don’t usually find on other power supply units tend to come at a price and that’s why currently the Thermaltake ToughPower DPS G 1050W retails for USD198.83 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 220Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de). Of course it goes without saying that this price tag will make things really hard for people who may want to try out the new model by Thermaltake and although I’m well aware that it may not be easy I hope that they can cut it down a bit. Leaving out the price however we can’t ignore the performance and features of the ToughPower DPS G 1050W which is why in the end it walks with our Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Design
- Very Good Rail Stability
- DPSApp Software
- 7 Years Warranty
- 80 Plus Gold Certified
- Electrical Protections



- Price (For Some)