01 - 06 - 2024
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toughpower platinum 850w 06t

Flat modular cables are not something we haven't seen in the past but it's always good to know that you're getting a model that has them.



toughpower platinum 850w 07t

In terms of design the ToughPower Grand follows the same as the entire ToughPower Grand family and measures 180mm in length, 150mm in width and 86mm in height.



toughpower platinum 850w 08t

Thermaltake has once again used a plain (no LEDs) 140mm intake fan to keep the interior temperatures in check.



toughpower platinum 850w 09t

The model name and power output are both printed on two large stickers placed on both sides.



toughpower platinum 850w 10t

A large sticker placed at the base of the unit has the electrical specifications table printed on it along with several certification and warning logos.



toughpower platinum 850w 11t

All of the modular connector ports are different in size, color coded and tagged.



toughpower platinum 850w 12t

The rear of the enclosure has the on/off power switch with the power port and is of course perforated.